“The Solution to good health is as simple as ‘eat real food!’”Kim Murphy

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Food as Medicine

DSC 9539“Food as Medicine” isn’t a new concept, in fact nearly 2500 years ago, Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine; coined the term “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Prior to contemporary doctors who diagnose and prescribe pharmaceuticals, early healthcare practitioners recognized the role that nutritious food played in healing the body. Fast forward to current times, scientific research and studies have made it evident that a nutrient-rich diet plays a major role in health and overall wellness.

Based on this research, functional and integrative medical establishments have begun to make nutrition a formal part of health regimens. Instead of relying solely on medications, nutritional and lifestyle changes are prescribed in an effort to prevent, or manage chronic illness.

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart and kidney disease, autoimmune illness, and chronic stress, are all too common. Each of these diseases can be well managed through diet and lifestyle change. Real food has the power to heal and restore the body and help to prevent many of today’s most common illnesses.

Kim Murphy

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