“The Solution to good health is as simple as ‘eat real food!’”Kim Murphy

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Let’s take a moment to talk about our most important organ

Let’s take a moment to talk about our most important organ, our brains. Fit and healthy individuals often take measure to ensure their bodies are toned and their lung capacities strengthened. How often do you hear people at the gym discuss their brain health? You may discuss the proper diet to achieve the body you want, or the correct work out to get the definition you desire in your legs, but what about the necessary care our brains require to enable them to help us more easily achieve our fitness and wellness goals? Our brains are literally in command of everything in our bodies, and research is showing how important it is that we look after our brains first and foremost.

To start looking after our brains it’s important to examine what we put into bodies and how we care for ourselves. The food we eat and the care we take acts as fuel for this essential organ, and much like the motor of a prized automobile, it requires regular maintenance and quality propellants. As a whole, most of us get too little sleep, exercise, water, and naturally derived vitamins & nutrients. If you do get enough of these fundamental brain strengtheners, what about the additional additives such as sunlight, clean air, quality rest, routine, sense of community, love, meaning, and purpose? Chances are each of us has some room to improve when it comes to our personal brain health regimens.


Now that we’ve established some requirements for optimal brain wellness, here are our favourite brain tips and tricks to add to your overall wellness routines:

  1. Take Quality Supplements. The human brain is a complex organ that requires vitamins and nutrients to function properly. Ideally, we would derive all of our nutrition from the foods we eat, but when this isn’t possible we rely on supplements. I recommend a daily multi-vitamin, plus additional Omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin D3 (if you spend a substantial amount of time indoors). Remember, not all supplements are created equal, so remember that you get what you pay for.
  2. Incorporate Probiotic rich foods into your diet. Gut health is directly tied to brain health. The beneficial bacteria in probiotics that aid digestion also contribute to a healthy brain. Sauerkraut, Kefir Water, Sourdough, Miso Paste, and Tempeh are all examples of probiotic rich foods.
  3. Set limits on personal screen time. Are you guilty of checking your phone and emails too regularly? It can be a hard habit to break but start by setting attainable limits that give your brain the rest it deserves as it’s proven that screen time can be damaging to our brains. Try removing a time consuming social media app or enforce a no screen rule between the hours of 10 pm – 7 am.
  4. Take up journaling. Journaling has shown to profoundly improve your well being. Writing accesses the left hemisphere of your brain and while it is occupied, the right hemisphere is free to create and imagine. Not only is it a great brain exercise, it’s been known to improve blood pressure, immune function, and stress.
  5. Eat Brain Food Food is either medicine or poison, be sure that what you put in your body is supporting brain function and not causing your brain extra stress. When you eat ‘brain food’ you’re fueling your body with key nutrients that have been proven to help build a healthy brain. Concentrate on incorporating 3 key nutrients into your diet: Omega 3 fatty acids, flavonoids, and Vitamin E. If you eat a diet full of wild caught salmon, dark leafy greens, berries, fresh veggies, and an abundance of healthy fats like avocados and nuts, you’ll be giving your brain a good boost of energy and your body the fibre it needs to run smoothly.

Kim Murphy

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