“The Solution to good health is as simple as ‘eat real food!’”Kim Murphy

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Beauty Food

beauty foodWe are all familiar with the age-old phrase: You are what you eat, and this adage has never been more accurate than in regards to your skin. It's not news that our society places a high value on youth and beauty. We collectively spend ridiculous amounts of money on cosmetic products, procedures and sometimes-painful rituals in attempt to stay as youthful as possible. If only more people realized that the key to looking younger is more than taking care of yourself externally, and instead the key is to stay mindful of what you put inside your body that can actually reverse some signs of aging. Studies show that it is possible to delay aging and to improve one’s skin quality by simply improving one’s diet.

How do you improve your diet to improve your skin? It's as simple as introducing a few key nutrients found in certain food items. These nutrients can delay the aging process, help to soften wrinkles and even fade age spots and sagging skin. Did we also mention that these food items are delicious?


The list below spells out our favourite anti-aging foods. Not only do these foods help keep your body and mind healthy but they also help to fight the harmful effects of sunlight, stress, and pollutants that you likely encounter on a regular basis.


Wild-caught fish: Rich in Omega fatty acids, eating oily fish can help keep you skin cells plump and retain hydration.

Dark Chocolate: The higher the percentage of raw cocoa, the more anti-oxidants that are present to fight off wrinkles and sun damage.

A rainbow of produce: Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, both know to neutralize free radicals that can damage healthy cells, organic produce is pack with a plethora of nutrients to nourish your skin.

Drink organic/biodynamic wine: Wine has a high concentration of antioxidants called polyphenols, that when coupled with the natural stress relieving properties of moderate alcohol consumption can help you to slow the affects of aging.

Green Tea: Green tea is one of the most powerful antioxidant sources. It contains polyphenols that mop up free radicals and also protect against sun damage.

Spices: Adding a varied mix of Herbs and Spices to your dishes with not only add flavor and color to a meal, they can also help fight wrinkles, boost metabolism, reduce inflammation, and keep you feeling and looking young.

Coffee: Coffee has as two main components that may influence your health: antioxidants and caffeine. Both these substances have health and anti-aging benefits.

Cheese: Stinky cheeses, bleu cheese in particular has been found to have anti-inflammatory chemicals that help your heart and improve the health of the stomach and skin.

Eggs: Organic, free range eggs are rich in Biotin know to improve the appearance of skin, hair and nails. Don’t forget, not all eggs are created equal and only organic eggs, sourced from free range chickens are nutritionally beneficial.

Shellfish: Rich in zinc and an antioxidant known as astaxanthin, two ingredients often found in sunscreen.

Healthy Fats: Two layers of fat surround your skin cells, so it’s important to keep them fatty. Eat things rich in poly and mono unsaturated fats, and you’ll help protect sells from sun damage and keep your skin plump and dewy.

Kim Murphy

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